Deaf Jam is a 2011 documentary directed by Judy Lief and coproduced with City Lore.
Since the early 1990s, City Lore has served as a fiscal sponsor for filmmakers, folk artists, and other cultural specialists who are developing projects in keeping with our mission to foster New York City – and America’s – living cultural heritage. Sponsored special projects have been as varied as filmmaker Ric Burns’ docs Coney Island and The New York Series, Michael Kantor’s Never Ending Battle about superheroes, Judy Lief’s documentary about American Sign Language poets, Eddie Rosa’s street festival of improvised decimal poetry competitions, the band, Los Pleneros de la 21, and a fund to cover medical expenses for several hip hop pioneers. Our administrative fees are generally low, and are adjusted according to our role in the project. For folk artists who can not afford our administrative fee, we provide sponsorship pro bono.