The City Lore Gallery welcomes proposals for exhibitions that align with the organization’s mission- to foster New York City – and America’s – living cultural heritage. Exhibitions must have a funding plan. Curators should thoroughly familiarize themselves with City Lore’s mission, past exhibitions, proposal requirements and guidelines before submitting. Exhibitions with the possibility for engaging public programs will be strongly considered. Should you have any questions please email Colleen Iverson, City Lore’s Gallery Director at colleen@citylo.staging.wpengine.com.
Proposal Requirements
- Curatorial Cover Letter: Describe relevant education, employment history, and exhibitions you have curated. Make sure to include all your contact information. No more than one page. Statement should be labeled: lastname_firstname_statement.pdf
- Exhibition Proposal: An exhibition proposal of up to 1000 words that outlines both the background and plan for the exhibition in City Lore’s Gallery. This proposal should include a tentative show title, exhibition concept and main idea, artists, and exhibitions connection to City Lore’s mission. Include public program ideas that could be held in conjunction with the exhibit. Proposal should be labeled: lastname_firstname_proposal.pdf
- Images: 10-12 images, including considered works / works by artists from the exhibition proposal, and, if applicable, installation shots from previous exhibition of this show at another venue. Video samples may be .mov or .mp4. All images and video should be clearly labeled: lastname_firstname_imagenumber.jpeg (.mov, .mp4)
- Image Inventory List: A detailed image list by number that includes artist name, name of work, medium, dimensions, and date. For installation shots, include the name of the exhibition, dates, and location. Inventory list should be labeled: lastname_firstname_inventorylist.pdf
- Budget: A line-item budget of curatorial and installation expenses and any received grants or other funding sources. The budget should be labeled: lastname_firstname_budget.pdf
- Curator Resume or CV: Exhibitions, education, employment history, and selected writing. No more than three pages. Resume/CV should be labeled: lastname_firstname_resume.pdf
Proposal Guidelines
- Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis. Complete applications will be acknowledged by an email. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed.
- If City Lore is interested in working with your proposal, you will be contacted by email. All proposals will be kept on file for future consideration.
- To be considered, proposals MUST be in accordance with City Lore’s mission
- Proposals should be submitted via email with the subject line “Exhibition Proposal” to colleen@citylo.com.