Clove Road
About This Listing
Place Details
- Borough: Brooklyn
- Neighborhood: Crown Heights
- Categories: Historic Site & Museum, Infrastructure
Place Matters Profile
Michael Certera
Clove Road between Empire Boulevard and Montgomery Street has been known as the “Road to Canarsie,” the “Bedford Pass,” and the “Ancient Pathway.” Community Board 9 in Brooklyn has been attempting to obtain landmark designation and National Register listing for this historic road. NYC Dept. of Design and Construction & the Dept. of Transportation will conduct an archaelogical dig this spring to determine the merits for designation.
The Bedford Pass played a role in the American Revolution when the British Army attacked the rebellious United States Army (first battle of the USA) on August 27, 1776. The “Road to Canarsie” is one of the last remnants of a Native American road system that led from the “wampum” grounds to Albany. (December 2010)