The Holy New Martyrs Russian Orthodox Church
About This Listing
Place Details
- Borough: Brooklyn
- Neighborhood: Bensonhurst
- Categories: Place of Worship
Place Matters Profile
Maiya Shenyavskaya
I moved to America in 2001 and my family and I spent all of our major holidays in this church. This is a very sacred place in my community. People come here for all sorts of reasons, whether they are happy or sad. The church also gives out a lot of help to the community. They distribute clothing and food donations to those in need. There are also free after school programs for children of all ages. The place has a lot of history to it–all of the ornaments inside are considered to be sacred and each contains a special power. There is a lot of artwork on the walls and ceiling. Also, the church has a very specific soothing smell as soon as you enter through the door. In times of grief, people join together and help one and other cope with their problems whether it is sickness, death, financial problems and much more. This is a very important landmark in my community to many residents, some move to this neighborhood particularly for the church. This is also a great place to network and meet your fellow neighbors. The church really brings us all closer together especially in the time of need. I cannot imagine losing such an important part of my community. The church welcomes everyone even those of different beliefs. The church has been around for many years and god willing many more to come.