Brighton Beach Bath and Racquet Club (site of)
About This Listing
Place Details
- Borough: Brooklyn
- Neighborhood: Brighton Beach
- Categories: Historic Site & Museum, Pools
Place Matters Profile
In 1907 the Brighton Beach Baths opened on the site of a former amusement park. The bath’s activities included swimming, tennis and entertainment. Yiddish vaudeville theater dominated the stage, and a carousel provided an additional attraction. The baths were demolished to make way for housing in the mid 1990s.
Paula Vlodkowsky (Cooper Union)
The Brighton Beach Baths (BBB) in Brooklyn was a brightly colored turn-of-the-century bathhouse which had photos documenting every event lining the entrance. One time my Aunt Ruth met me at the entrance with her friends and their son, Herbie, for a surprise blind date. I feel lucky to have one of the red Adirondack chairs on my balcony that I rescued when they demolished the baths. Today in there place stand several tall, institutional looking condominiums.
Juey Baron
With more than 13,000 members in the 1960s, this resort featured knish-eating contests, mahjong and card-playing areas, miniature golf, pools, steam rooms and a bandshell. Along with Mrs. Stahl’s Knishes, the Baths have been here forever.