Exhibit Opening Reception: Like the Waters We Rise

Exhibit Opening Reception: Like the Waters We Rise

April 29th, 6:00 to 9:00 pm


Gallery hours 

Fridays, 2:00 – 6:00 pm, Saturdays and Sundays, 12:00 – 6:00 pm.

Register for the reception here

With Earth Day and Climate Week approaching, we are pleased to announce our upcoming exhibit, Like the Waters We Rise: Climate Justice in Print, an exhibition celebrating the bold, artful, graphic work of print-based artists in the climate justice movement. The exhibit presents a collection of art, ephemera, posters, and historical documents charting recent waves in community-based climate justice organizing.
The scale of the climate crisis we are collectively facing is daunting, and it is our hope that each piece offers a portal to an inspiration, a victory, or a teaching about how people-powered action is the most viable strategy we have for building the future. Each element of this collection has been carefully selected to support an understanding of climate justice as a rich, intersectional, often arts-centered movement of movements driven by a multitude of visions for a better world.
The exhibit will be on display at the City Lore Gallery from April 29th through September 4th.
The works presented in this collection are part of a “box set” (print-based exhibition in a box) developed in partnership with Booklyn, an artist-run non-profit that archives, re-prints and distributes the work of artists and social justice groups that address urgent cultural issues of our time.
The contents of Like The Waters We Rise were selected and organized by Raquel de Anda and Josh MacPhee with support from LJ Amsterdam for the publication and educational activities.
The box set and its publication were produced with generous support from the Nathan Cummings Foundation and the Interference Archive.


Apr 29 2022


6:00 PM - 9:00 PM


City Lore
56 E 1st St, New York, NY 10003

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